
How technology is changing our world

Thursday, August 24, 2017

In the early 1980s I remember buying my first computer, a Commodore 64. It had better sound and graphics than Apple or Atari, and around 15 million were sold. I was amazed at that time, that an 8-bit, 64 KB home computer could do all this. Now I look at where we’re heading in 2017 and I think of the Commodore 64 as the Ford Model T of computers.

What started as a fancy typewriter/gaming console morphed into smart computers that are able to mimic a person’s thoughts and quickly solve problems we spend hours on. For example, crime has always been a major problem. I recently read that China is now using computerized facial recognition technology with predictive analytics through a person’s buying habits/behavior to identify potential criminals and notify the police.

Last year we all heard about Pokémon GO, played by millions. This was the first well-published example of augmented reality (AR). It was an example of overlaying graphic images into a user’s real-world digital environment, determined by their GPS location. It was a huge social success.

Imagine in the future you walk into a consumer’s home to discuss possible decorating purchases with an AR app on your 3-D mobile device and the consumer has one as well. You both interact simultaneously, moving objects around the room as well as adding new ones based on your digital analysis of the current color scheme. This will make today’s virtual room designers look like obsolete arcade games. 

Early adopters are jumping on the artificial intelligence (AI)-driven personal assistant applications, such as Amazon’s Alexa, Microsoft’s Cortana, Apple’s Siri and IBM’s Watson. AI is about feeding data into fast processing cloud servers that have been programmed to store personal data and make predictions using computer algorithms. It’s used today for facial recognition, image analysis, voice-tone interpretation, buying pattern analysis and more. One such application uses saved images in Pinterest to digitally analyze a person’s decorating preferences and then makes recommendations for interior products. 

Forbes had an article in 2012 about a major retailer who collected shoppers’ in-store purchase data through their credit card, name and email, then used data-mining to email coupons based on shopping trends. Today, by tracking browsing patterns and other forms of data sharing, e-commerce retailers can make product recommendations based on someone’s online shopping behavior.

Lowe’s has been developing an autonomous retail service robot. LoweBot helps customers find products and answer questions through voice conversations. It also assists in inventory management in real-time by gliding down the aisles checking stock levels.

With venture capitalists sinking millions into AI and AR, there’s no doubt we’ll be seeing amazing new, desireable technology improvements. Some will be subtle and not obvious, and others will be headline news. One thing is for sure, machine and man are quickly becoming closer than ever before and the majority of consumers and large corporations are embracing it.

John Simonson of Webstream Dynamics & GetFiveStarReviews.pro has been helping flooring companies with their online marketing for over 19 years. He can be reached at john@webstreamdynamics.com

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