Your store front says a lot about you

Monday, September 30, 2013

What does your store window say to your customers? Is it a bunch of product on display? Perhaps you feature vignettes? Does it face customers as they pass by, enticing them to walk into your store? For those who do it right, windows can be powerful motivators to get customers into your store.

Likewise, poor displays may be just as powerful motivators against coming into your store. For too many flooring stores, chances are their window displays are woefully out of date.

What kind of impact are you looking to make? You decide.

Messe Frankfurt recently commissioned a study in Germany that looks at retail shop windows as a critical factor for success. Here are some of the highlights that may apply to your store along with some of my own thoughts:

Visual merchandising is an important tool in the communication mix of a retail company. This happens at the point of sale, which in our industry is often driven by manufacturers.

Window displays are about more than just sales though, they are about image and differentiation. In flooring, it can also be a very effective tool for communicating identity, community involvement and community participation.

The shop window is a key aspect of visual merchandising and usually gets about 20 percent of the in-store communication budget in larger companies. Smaller retailers typically have no fixed budget for in-store merchandising. Don’t let that stop you. Spend a little on your windows, the returns can be meaningful.

As a visual-merchandising tool with leverage effect, shop windows can make a great impression. At the less impactful end, they’re like a business card. At the most impactful end, they’re like a TV commercial about your business.

As retail sales pressure continues to escalate, visual merchandising plays an ever more important role in influencing buying behavior.

Most larger German retailers reported they change their windows every four to six weeks. While that seems quite frequent for a home furnishings or flooring store, keeping the look fresh and inviting is critical.

Small retailers are moving away from straight-forward product presentations toward more individual niche concepts as they come to recognize that “appearance is more important than product density.”
Windows are also great places for the telling of a larger story — from promotions and new products to community events and participation. With such a powerful impact, it’s no wonder window displays are gaining in significance as a retail communication tool. It’s also why more companies are turning to professional designers and merchandisers to help them create compelling displays that have something to show and tell.

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