Work your trade show booth

Friday, February 21, 2014

I had just returned from Surfaces when I found an email from an old friend, Warren Tyler. You probably know Warren as a leading industry columnist, advisor and retail sales expert. He’s been sharing his training and proven strategies for retail success for decades. Here’s what Warren has to say about trade shows:

Warren’s guidelines for trade show success are mostly common sense, but then again, we know how uncommon common sense can sometimes be.

Common courtesy — Get personal, greet attendees as they pass the booth, invite them in. Warren adds, “Nothing turns a customer off more than a booth full of sitting salespeople with glum faces or a booth of salespeople having too much fun while ignoring customers.” How often do you see a bunch of reps standing around, talking to one another and generally ignoring customers because they’re not from their territories? Sales reps who are not busy should get busy — help track down the client’s rep, walk them through the product line — and offer whatever you have in terms of hospitality.

Who is the customer? — Warren’s wife runs her own flooring business and he often accompanies her to visit new suppliers. Would you be surprised to hear that too often sales reps direct their conversation to Warren instead of to his wife even after they know she’s the actual buyer? That’s almost as bad as a car salesman telling the “little lady” to come back with her husband. It’s rude, it’s insulting, it’s bad business.

In an industry where women are the primary consumer and are increasingly joining the ranks of retail owners, it’s time to pay attention to who the customer actually is and what her needs are.

Demos and presentations — These are always a big draw. Not only does it naturally engage customers, it gives people the opportunity to actually interact with the product. Remember when click was new? There is nothing more powerful than putting two boards in people’s hands and watching them click their way to a floor.

Training — As a professional trainer, it’s no surprise this would be on Warren’s list. He’s absolutely right. Exhibitors should be trained not only on how to present and sell their products, but how to probe their customers for useful information they can put to use.

Promotion — Are you getting the word out and actively driving attendance? Do your reps have appointments set up ahead of time? Are they giving their own customers compelling reasons to come to the show?

If you’re doing all these things right, you’re probably reaping the rewards of a successful show. If not, give Warren a call. He can help take you beyond the basics. He can be reached at

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