Viewpoint: by Steven Feldman

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Readers, help us help you better

FCW recently completed its annual editorial meeting, where the entire staff convenes for those familiar "where-we've-been, where-we're-going•bCrLf discussions. We talk a lot about potential topics that will offer value to you, our readers.

This year the staff at one point was debating the merits of a particular story or two. It was then when a thought hit me between the eyes like a 2´4: What would Bonnie Fuller say? Fuller, the former editor-in-chief of women magazines YM, Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan and Glamour before moving on to style and celebrity mags Us Weekly and The Star, has posted hefty circulation gains at every magazine she's touched. Some say she "dumbs down•bCrLf her magazines. But the truth is she doesn't put a thing in the magazine she doesn't think will work. Give the readers what they want to read and not what we think they should want to read. 

Fuller subscribes to the theory that a magazine must communicate effectively and be eye-catching to draw the reader into every page. Experimentation? She believes any magazine is never past the point of trying out new things, whether it's a new department, column or typeface. Mostly, though, Fuller believes it's an editor's job to think hard about who the readers are, why they're reading the magazine and what the magazine is trying to communicate to the target audience.

FCW shares the same philosophy. That's why I'm asking you to help us get even better at what we do. A recent survey conducted by the Wayman Group revealed that 79 percent of you think FCW is the best magazine in the industry. And when it comes to providing the most meaningful news and information, current product info, selling and merchandising advice or trends and financial news, at least 72 percent of you say we are the best.

But if it's not 100 percent it's not enough. So tell me: What is it we do that you like? What don't you like? What would you like to see us do more of? What should we do less of? Your feedback means a lot to us, and all suggestions will be considered — albeit some very briefly!

Feel free to zip me an e-mail at I'm interested in hearing from you.

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