Tough ideas for tough times

Friday, October 12, 2012

Home Depot is closing the last seven units of a Chinese 12-store chain bought in 2006. It was clear some time ago that Home Depot was not adapting to the Chinese market. As one Wall Street analyst said, “The Company lately realized that China is a Do-it-for-me market and not a Do-it-Yourself market.” I wrote about it in my 2010 white paper on China for the floor covering industry, “China Briefing: The Growing Opportunity.” DIY is virtually unheard of in a country where labor is so cheap. Not learning from B&Q and Best Buy’s Chinese failures cost Home Depot $160 million just in its final write-off.  

At my company, Misco, managers would claim their territory was “different” and required special programs. I knew retailers and consumers simply want a product that exceeds expectations and delivers great value. But globalization taught me new lessons. Channels and customers are not the same on the other side of the globe.

Carpet takes less than 20 percent market share in Sweden and Italy; ceramic represents more than 80 percent of China’s flooring while laminate is booming in Eastern Europe. In Germany, wood flooring is sold almost exclusively by home centers. 

In China, flooring is considered a building material often sold in manufacturer owned retail stores. Installation is included; consumers are not interested in DIY and do not like to shop in warehouse settings. 
Many U.S. companies have cracked the code in China and are flourishing: Starbucks has 500 plus stores; KFC is the largest restaurant chain serving rice and congee with their chicken. The difference between success and failure may be subtle; those that understand the market and adapt can reap huge rewards.  

Last year, Lumber Liquidators exhibited at DomotexAsia /Chinafloor in Shanghai searching for franchisees to buy their successful U.S. business strategy. Arrogant or ignorant, I predict that unless they learn from past failures, they will become another American casualty.
Jim Gould is president of Floor Covering Institute, LLC

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