The people who make FCW No.1

Thursday, December 16, 2004


This holiday season I have one very important wish: for every reader of this space to understand the full scope of what makes FCW the No. 1 publication in the field. It’s the people. I want you to learn how valuable these people are to the team, and without them we’d be just any other magazine.

Like me, Sandy Montero, the publisher, came to FCW in 1994, when, to be honest, the magazine was floundering. Since that time, ad sales have increased significantly and profitability is up mega-fold. What has that meant to you? This has afforded us the luxury of getting out on the road more, to be at more events, to visit more of you, to do the types of stories that set us apart from other magazines. Had he not refined the sales effort, none of this would have happened during these past 11 years.

Kim Gavin has been with FCW for nearly 20 years covering the carpet sector out of her Dalton office. No journalist in this industry has a better reputation. About five years ago she was promoted to editor, which has allowed her to lend her experience in formulating many of the stories that appear in this magazine under various bylines.

Reggie Tucker and hardwood flooring are synonymous, not only at this magazine but in the industry as well. Reg is also our managing editor, which means he shapes everyone’s stories and puts them in a position to be published. He implements the FCW mission of being the one magazine that shapes the lives of those who live, eat and breathe the floor covering industry.

Alycia Broderick you may know as our area rug editor, but she plays a much bigger role than that. It is she who is in the trenches, coordinating the efforts of the editorial and production departments along with our freelancers. Most importantly, she frees up Reggie to plan and execute our vision, not to mention being the proprietor of the best hardwood flooring coverage anywhere. At other magazines she would be called assistant managing editor or deputy editor.

Ray Pina has had his name attached to our laminate flooring section for the better part of the last four years. The relationships he’s built have allowed FCW to provide the most meaningful coverage of the category you will ever find. But Ray does much more. Log on to our website now and in the future. The improvements you will see come under his watch.

Greg Valero was covering the resilient category long before I arrived at FCW 11 years ago. After about a seven-year run as editor of Flooring magazine, Greg returned to the industry on a freelance basis. His industry knowledge is invaluable to this magazine, and his only loyalty is to his work.

Lesley Goddin has covered the ceramic tile industry longer than anyone ever has at FCW. As such, we’ve watched as her knowledge has grown and she’s become entrenched in the industry.

Lauren Bovich, the newest member of the FCW team, was among the best interns we ever had here. That’s why we kept her on as assistant editor, and you’ll be hearing more of her next year.

Two names you know only by reading the masthead are Terry Hambel and Tom Young, yet their roles are no less vital to the success of the magazine. This is our production department, and if you wondered who was responsible for raising our aesthetic quotient, look no further.

And as for me, all I’ve set out to do since 1994 was make FCW the most valuable resource and tool for every faction of the industry. I hope I have succeeded.

Happy holidays to you and yours.

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