
Quick-Step distributors rank among "Top 25" in the nation

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

[Dallas] Quick-Step recently reported that many of the “Top 25 Distributors” on Floor Covering Weekly's list of top flooring distributors carry Quick-Step flooring. (Floor Covering Weekly, Nov. 7 issue) 

Quick-Step distributors in the “Top 25” include:
#2 Haines         $490 million
#3 BPI         $230 million
#7 NRF $155 million
#9 Apollo $150 million
#10 BR Funsten $143 million
#11 Tri-West         $140 million
#13 Ohio Valley $130 million
#14 Herregan $126 million
#19 Elias Wilf $82 million
“Quick-Step products are exclusively sold through a nationwide network of the flooring industry’s finest distributors,” said Jon England, vice president of independent distribution for Mohawk Laminate & Hardwood, North America. “Quick-Step only works with the strongest distributors — those who are widely respected for their integrity, quality, value, performance, efficient organizational processes, and service.  We rely on these distributors to deliver exceptional service to the retailers in their area.”

Added England, “A distributor essentially becomes an extension of our own internal Quick-Step sales team. It becomes the distributor rep’s responsibility to see that Quick-Step product information and selling stories are conveyed accurately to the retail sales rep.  Our shared ultimate goal is to have end-consumers take home the Quick-Step products that best meet their needs. This maximizes the consumers’ satisfaction with their Quick-Step product — and results in future repeat and referral sales.”  

According to Quick-Step, being a brand carried by top distributors is not the company's only accolade. The majority of the “Top 50 Retailers” nationwide also carry Quick-Step flooring. (Floor Covering Weekly, May 9 issue) 

“This is due in part to having such a great network of top-notch distributors,” England said. “As the manufacturer, we are able to tap into all of the benefits inherent in the solid, in-depth relationships that our strong distributors already have in place with local retailers. The years of trust built up between the distributor and its retailers essentially allows a manufacturer to gain entry into key retailers at a ‘hit the ground running’ pace. No manufacturer time is lost through laboriously having to start from scratch to gain a presence in retailer stores. Quick-Step then delivers exceptional products, merchandising, and service, but the initial battle of getting into the right retailers is made easier with the right distributors.”

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