Mohawk’s Epstein talks NeoCon 2018

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Mohawk Group's Royce Epstein
With NeoCon just around the corner, Royce Epstein, A&D design director, Mohawk Group, sat down with FCW’s Lauren Moore to talk about emerging trends in the commercial market, and how Mohawk Group is meeting the demands and desires of the commercial A+D community and end users.

FCW: What emerging trends you’re seeing in the commercial?
Epstein: We’re definitely seeing an increased interest in biophilic design, where we’re looking to patterns and processes from nature and figuring out how to bring that inside and feel connected to nature. There’s been a 20-year rise in sustainability in the builder environment, bringing in patterns and color palettes from outside, in, in a sophisticated way. Our Lichen product, which we introduced at NeoCon last year, is a perfect example of that.

This year, we’re looking at how biophilia connects to the urban environment. More people are living in urban environments; there has been a huge demographic trend that’s been happening over decades and that will continue. Generation Z, which is just starting to work, and Millennials, all want to work in cities. They’re flocking to cities to work for tech companies, or creative agencies … they want “cool” jobs. For us, we’re connecting biophilia to urban areas, and trying to think about how the urban environment benefits from biophilia. 

Another trend we’re seeing is this nomadic life. Life and work have blended completely, where people are untethered from their desk. It’s about people coming together, but also having the freedom to come and go, reflected in the fact that people can work anywhere. We all have that prerogative today.

So, we’re finding the urban environment, biophilia and this nomadic lifestyle are affecting the build environment. As a company that makes materials, how can we bridge all of these things where we can help customers while tapping into the concept of biophilic design, while thinking about craft and authenticity, and how we develop our products?

FCW: What’s inspiring commercial design trends today?
Epstein: I think there’s a definite dichotomy or juxtaposition between the natural world we grew up in, and the digital world. Younger generations are trying to live a hybrid life and resolve the question, how do you live in both worlds? It’s a huge trend that affects how we all live, reflected in that changing view of nomadism and craft, and again, changing demographics.

FCW: How is Mohawk Group meeting the design needs of NeoCon attendees?
Epstein: We’re going to be launching a lot of new products. Five of them are designed as living products — we’re going after the Living Product Petal Certification, which we did last year with Lichen. We learned a lot from that process, and we’re applying that to product design. 

One new product we have is called Nutopia, which is a large launch for us, featuring six styles that work together. With Nutopia, we’re examining how we can bring design into the urban environment. It’s inspired by shadows of architecture, peeling paint on a building, different things you see how in the real world. We thought about how young people are moving to cities in droves, the idea that they want to be together in this melting pot in a utopian coming together of different generations, cultures, and wanting to experience a collective urban fabric. That urban fabric is where Nutopia comes in. It’s connecting people to built environments and cities, and the carpet physically does that with its patterns, textures and colors.

We also have a woven construction broadloom called SunWeave, made on a three-frame loom. There’s a biophilic story there – the patterns in SunWeave’s Shadow Pass and Threaded Shade, were both inspired by the idea of light and shadow moving across a plane, like a loom. We were inspired by how different cultures throughout history have used textiles, and how throughout history, weaving was done by women, outside, as part of village life. The idea of the sun hitting the loom was inspiring for us. It’s really about the connection to different cultures, how weaving is always a part of culture, and every culture has left behind artifacts of weaving. 

In hard surface, we have Pivot Point, which is an enhanced resilient tile. It’s a Red List-free product, which is very exciting for us.

As we’re figuring out new ways of tufting, we created a new yarn system called Heathered Hues. It’s sustainable, as it’s dematerialized yarn. Normally during this process, you would take three colors of yarn, send it out, and get it back blended, but it’s three times the weight. What we wanted to do was cut out the wasteful process. So, we created a new way of extruding yarn in a heathered state, which is very exciting and we’ll be showing it at NeoCon. The collection features 32 colors – half are neutrals, that look like wool, and the other half are vivid brights. 

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