Have your fill? Bill the mill

Sunday, March 20, 2005

In 1976, newscaster Howard Beale — portrayed by Oscar-winning actor Peter Finch in the movie “Network” — urged us all to stick our heads out the window and yell, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!”

Nearly 30 years later, one retailer is heeding that advice. Rubin Schechman, president of the eight-store Bill’s Carpet Fair serving the Baltimore/Washington area, is taking an unconventional path in response to the myriad challenges all retailers face — not the least of which were six price increases last year. Schechman has informed his suppliers via certified mail that they will now be charged a monthly fee based on the number of products that are being sampled on his selling floor.

He says his plight is no different than that of many retailers. Soaring property values mean the rental and purchase of retail and warehouse space has also soared. The price of natural gas to heat the stores could be up 15 percent from 2004 (and Schechman might be conservative). The price of fuel to power a fleet of trucks has skyrocketed. The cost of medical coverage for employees has increased exponentially.

But what put Schechman — and other retailers, I’m sure — over the edge are the insurmountable price increases, particularly on the carpet side since broadloom comprises 90 percent of Carpet Fair’s $25-million annual business. “The ceaseless parade of increases emanating from our manufacturers has been devastating. In addition to the cost of materials, we have incurred expense to update our computers repeatedly and enhance our software.”

It’s not that Schechman doesn’t understand the need to raise prices from time to time. He does. “Everyone is entitled to an increase, but it’s beyond ridiculous now. We had five or six increases last year. If they averaged 3 percent, that’s about 18 percent.”

So, in response, Schechman has informed his suppliers that “in such astonishingly lean times, your research and development departments seem to have a never-ending stream of new products that we are required to display. As you increase our need for additional floor space, you will be required to participate in the acquisition of this space.”

It’s a novel concept. I can’t wait to see how the mills respond. Even more important, I can’t wait to hear your opinion. Please e-mail me at sfeldman@hearst.com. This could get real interesting.

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