
Flooring specific, mobile software: Perfect for retail

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Software for flooring companies is much more than a simple way to log inventory or track sales. Today, it enables retailers to be more connected not just to the supply chain but to its customers, especially in the mobile space.

According to Dev O’Reilly, founder, president and CEO of RollMaster Software (RM), the forces of the cloud, digital business, information, analytics and mobility are creating new technology requirements, driving new purchasing patterns and establishing new competitive realities, he said. Therefore, “The RollMaster Cloud is the way things are done today,” he said.

Every RollMaster flooring software product is delivered via the RM Private Cloud, and the RollMaster hosted hardware design ensures that software performance is maximized. “We own the infrastructure, manage and support the hardware, software and broadband connectivity,” O’Reilly said. “RollMaster software is designed to run in our cloud. A single vendor solution for software, support and hosting services maximizes the dealer experience.”

One recent change to the RM system is the update to the integrated credit card processing services to support the new EMV security chips. “It’s not required, but consumers have started receiving the new EMV-ready, chip-enabled credit cards — and they’ll want to use them,” O’Reilly said.

RollMaster’s lead module offers a plethora of lead generating and tracking information.

O’Reilly added that RM’s technology delivers dealer centered computing. For example, the system includes a lead module, which tracks conversion effectiveness. “The Lead management system generates management information by sales representative, by lead source and many other options. The information generated will show volume of leads, number of leads, number of sales generated from those leads, revenue per lead, gross profit per lead, closing percentage, average sale and estimated margins.”

RollMaster is under continuous development, testing, documenting, webinars, net meetings and distributing updates to all clients, O’Reilly added. “It is continually evolving and delivering improved analytics, enhanced content sharing, improved data management and tools that encourage dealer-client personal interactions,” he said.

According to Cathy Welsh, operations manager at CDMS, when purchasing software the end-user must do research on choosing a software product that works for them, and price should not be the only selection criteria. One important factor is finding software that allows for a maximum amount of detail stored in the fewest steps taken. 

“We hear this constantly from retailers, that entering a customer sales order or proposal takes anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes. CDMS has greatly reduced this so that an average five-line order takes no more than six minutes to enter,” she said. Welsh added that a retailer should also ask about customer support and training support for the software in question.

With the customer in mind, CDMS released a major modification to its Purchasing Module in June of this year that is available for Version 9.00 and 10.00. This modification was written for several of its clients that have multiple corporations and have the ability to view inventory for all stores in those different corporations, according to Welsh. 

“It is extremely beneficial as the CDMS customer can easily receive inventory into a central warehouse within the same application, without exiting one corporation and re-entering the software for another one. Fewer keystrokes to accomplish the same task streamlines more procedures making the software more efficient,” Welsh said. 

Mobility drives development
Dave Dumoulin, sales director, RFMS, Inc., said that the immediate future is about mobility. “Everyone wants to do more on their phone or tablet and the flooring consumer and contractor expects this technology,” he said. 

RFMS’s free online measuring app, Measure Mobile 3 (MM3), can calculate a flooring project on a mobile device, is downloadable from any of the app stores and is free to the world, even home owners who want to calculate flooring usage. MM3 also syncs up with the desktop version of its flagship estimating product, Measure, according to Dumoulin.

RFMS also offers its Mobile Order Entry (MOE), which allows a sales person to create an order or a quote from anywhere on a mobile device which syncs back to the RFMS Business Management databases, and its Installer Pro Mobile, which allows an installer or a crew to access installation project data such as the customer name and address, and a map. The installer can also view the material and labor quantities, clock in and out and send pictures and notes back to the databases. “Additionally, all the new modules work in sync with each other, giving unprecedented access to all employees, assisting them in performing their jobs with greater efficiency and accuracy,” Dumoulin said.

All three products are specifically designed to make it simpler for retailers and business owners. “Customers expect instant information in today’s software arena and these new apps give that ability with quick product lookups, quote processing and on-line free measuring apps,” Dumoulin said.

RFMS Measure Mobile 3 is user-friendly and free for download.

Mitchell Dancik, founder of Dancik International, said the company views the future of flooring software as being totally mobile, based on the web browser, vertically integrated so that the three tiers of product distribution become invisible to the user that is trying to close a sale and horizontally integrated so that flooring businesses can consume or partner with adjacent markets. 

“Eventually, entire building and remodeling projects will be integrated across all of the trades, and Dancik intends its software to be ready for that exciting challenge,” he said.

Dancik added that all of its latest products are designed to bring feature-rich but easy to use technology to the front line of flooring businesses, especially to the showroom floor and to the salesperson in the field. 

“Our software is meant to help you close sales, not just write them up,” he said. “Our Navigator interface technology works the same way as sites like Amazon.com. Simply stated, all you need is a web browser to access our software. If you know how to use a web browser, you can use our software.”

With mobile in mind, Dancik now offers its Mobile Sales Portal, a mobile phone app for inside and outside salespeople. It includes features for both its retail and distributor clients, such as complete access to product, inventory and customer information, and a workflow application to request special pricing within margin limits for a customer from a manager.

“Mobile Sales Portal had the fastest adoption rate of any product we’ve ever released,” Dancik said. Dancik will release the second version of the Mobile Sales Portal in October of this year. 

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