FloorFolio creates a brand by offering solutions

Thursday, March 6, 2014

[Edison, N.J.] Many people look at 2007 to 2008 as the beginning of what came to be known as the Great Recession. Michael Freedman, however, sees things a little differently.

During a time when countless other companies were closing up shop, Freedman started FloorFolio. And while the CEO will jest about what a risk it was to take on the venture during one of the biggest economic downturns, Freedman has grown FloorFolio consistently over the past seven years at a rate now of 65 percent per year.

Freedman attributes part of his company’s success to his team’s ability to view the industry as a whole, a perspective he gained from an early start in the industry — he was 24 — with positions in distribution, then at a flooring contractor and finally in manufacturing. That broad view serves him well as president of his own manufacturing company. “Because I come from a diverse background across the industry, I understand the troubles the distributor has and the pains that contracting has. We’re all about meeting niches and meeting needs,” said Freedman.

At the core of FloorFolio’s success is its ability to customize any job — approximately 50 percent to 60 percent of FloorFolio’s business is custom work. And with over 200 SKUs, each available in either sheet vinyl or luxury vinyl tile (LVT), the design flexibilities and capabilities are vast.

“We have never dropped a product. We’ll continue to refine the line and add colors, but we’ll never drop it. So if a customer comes to us 10 years from now, we’ll still do it for them,” said Freedman. “And if a customer calls us asking for something specific, I’ve told our customer service that they can never say no,” he said. Not only can a customer call up saying they like a particular visual but want it in some other size or in LVT instead of sheet, FloorFolio will make it happen for them, “and for not a penny more to do so,” he said.

In fact, Freedman believes that his fair pricing strategy across all of FloorFolio’s products is integral to his company’s success — no small feat for such a highly customizable product line. Each visual, from wood looks to tile looks to the company’s premium Seascapes collection, is priced the same.

“We like being able to say that we offer premium products at competitive prices,” he said. “We have customers that we ship millions of feet of material to who can do business with a lot bigger companies than we are and they can buy it at a better price than we can sell it for.
They do business with us because when they can call us and say, ‘We really need help with a specific order,’ and we’ll find a way to get it done.”
Partnership support

Bringing to market a quality product made with pure virgin materials combined with having the right retail partners and the right professional contractors installing the products are what Freedman said has given FloorFolio the ability to work all together to resolve problems.
 “Because of that we have had zero claims,” he stated.

And while some of the larger manufacturers take into consideration the feedback of customers, few take the step to actually make it happen on the factory floor. FloorFolio is allotted that flexibility because its business is built around meeting the niches of its customers. “We want to support the people who support us, and we are blessed by the people we design for,” said Freedman. “For example, we do a lot in the student housing sector. We’re doing Princeton right now and just finished Drexel. Our Timber line came about because the designer came to us and said we need a modern rustic visual look. We gave them about 300 different looks for this product, and they chose a light brown rustic. While we were doing that, another customer came in asking for a darker brown rustic and so we made that for them. Then we added some other popular colors and that’s how we built the line, around our customer’s requests.”

In order to nourish the type of personal customer relationships that FloorFolio bases its business around, the ways in which the company brings products to market needed to adapt. “We have one distributor left,” Freedman explained. “We don’t have true distributors anymore because we learned early on that we are in a segment of the business that is very aggressive so we need to be able to communicate directly with our customers. The reality is we’re not big enough to get the time that we need out of a major distributor.” He added that in dealing directly with its customers, FloorFolio is able to be more flexible and adjust its products in a way that fits the company’s custom business model.

Request back into sheet

While the industry has its eyes turned to the influx of LVT, FloorFolio’s customers requested that the company launch new heterogeneous sheet goods. “Our customers needed sheet vinyl, so we did it. There’s a niche that’s not being met for a quality product,” said Freedman. “And honestly, I’m grateful that I did. Because everyone is focusing on the LVT, there seems to be less and less people focusing on sheet, so what better time to pick up what other people are putting down. They’re going right, so we’re going left.”

Along with its decision to widen its focus back onto sheet, as well as LVT, was FloorFolio’s decision to go “all in.” In the past, FloorFolio had partnerships with those who would dictate how the product would be made. Although the company had influence over those decisions, the whole process is now 100 percent controlled by FloorFolio. “Now, we create the designs, we own the rollers to create the patterns and textures, we own it all. So when this product goes down the production line in our partner facility in China, from top to bottom it’s ours,” he said.

Freedman explained that while the company is not “recreating the wheel” with its new introductions, it is bringing a higher quality level than the typical heterogeneous sheet product. One issue FloorFolio wanted to address with its new line was sheet vinyl’s susceptibility to showing subfloor irregularities. “For Nature’s Way sheet vinyl, we introduced a medium texture, something that can’t trap a lot of dirt and something that will reduce maintenance. We’ve worked with a lot of our customers and they felt that if we made it a little bit thicker than normal sheet that it would hide some of the subfloor irregularities, so we did,” said Freedman, adding that the new line would be available in 2.2mm instead of the typical 2mm.
Transition and expansion

As FloorFolio continues to experience consistent growth and its product lines continue to expand, Freedman said that space was becoming an issue, but that the need for expansion was a problem he was happy to have.

The company has now expanded to a warehouse in Texas and has recently announced plans to expand its headquarters in Edison, N.J. “We do a lot of our business in Texas, and the freight costs are going to continue to climb. We just finally got to the point where we needed to be able to supply on a more local basis. We built the facility and it’s my goal that five years from now that building will be an exact duplicate of our headquarters,” he said.

With the growth of FloorFolio, Freedman has worn numerous hats, acting not only as the president/ CEO but also as the principal designer, customer service rep, sales rep and still has his hands in all parts of his business. But, he said, one of the major tasks he took on this year was dealing with his own transition.

“Now the company is not just me anymore, and as much as it pains me, I’m proud to say I’ve become more of a president and the success of my company is really the people around me,” Freedman said. “I have personal relationships with some of the largest flooring contractors, but now they need to be handled by the right people that can handle them. So if you asked me what was the hardest thing I had to deal with this year, that would be it.” He added that FloorFolio has now become a brand, and the whole vision and direction the company has taken goes into driving that brand.

Michael Freedman

FloorFolio’s warehouse in Edison, N.J.

FloorFolio’s new patented EnviroQuiet

FloorFolio’s Seascapes collection

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