
Family and flooring focus defines Mannington’s future

Thursday, October 5, 2017

“That experience of moving around and gaining experience in all facets of business rounded me into being a multi-tool executive which is extremely valuable. Someone called me a Swiss Army Knife once.” – Keith Campbell, Mannington Mills
By Amy Rush-Imber

[Salem, N.J.] More than 100 years old now, Mannington Mills’ longevity can be attributed to a diverse product portfolio and design-forward approach; its talented associates across all departments; and, its manufacturing acumen. But it’s the company’s family values and ownership that truly set it apart.

Keith Campbell is fourth generation of Mannington leadership following his father Johnny Campbell as chairman in 1995. And while other family members worked alongside him in the business, Keith Campbell told FCW, “I was my father’s son so my experience was different than others. I grew up in a household that was passionate about the business. Our next-door neighbor was the plant, we had customers staying at the house. I’m so blessed — I have family that supports me 1,000 percent — my 96-year-old mother, my wife Shirley, and my three older sisters walk alongside me in every way. The next generation has the same support at home and amongst the family. When you have that base, something good is coming out of that.”

Indeed, it did. The century old company has weathered both success and failure, rapid growth through acquisition and the constraints of the Great Recession. At every turn, it relied on its core values and its business model of family ownership and professional management to guide it.   

Defining Moments
Campbell began his own journey with Mannington in high school and during college summers when he worked in the sheet vinyl factory here in Salem. “I was a factory rat,” Campbell recalled. “It framed me in a few ways. I gained a true sense of what the company was about and it developed a passion in me for floor covering.”

After college, Campbell went to work as a field salesperson in Florida then Maryland and Virginia, moving next to the home office to work inside sales for several years. Then, he worked in other areas such as HR, finance and credit.

“I loved being a field salesperson — working with distributors, calling on customers, selling things, solving problems and building relationships,” offered Campbell. “To this day, I love mingling with customers. Later, in my career, as I traversed into commercial as well, the experiences were very similar.”

Campbell is a well-known face on the floor at shows and conventions, often seen engaging with customers. His mark on the company is profound, helping the company through great growth while keeping its core values and culture. In 2008, Mannington acquired Burke and in 2012, it purchased Amtico, dramatically changing the company’s footprint as well as market share in the commercial space.

There were also specific events that Campbell said have shaped his leadership, whether in an executive position or as chairman. “First was going through Mannington Gold. How we took care of problems and resurrected the company out of potential disaster,” he said, referring to a product fail that nearly bankrupt the company as it made good with its customers.

Campbell noted that another standout quality is the company’s ability to attract top talent. “We’ve been very fortunate to not only attract top talent but to nurture it.”

Family Values
The other side of his experience, said Campbell, is how the family values impact the business, how they are a part of the business model today and of the model going forward. “That remains critical — care; do the right thing; work hard/play hard; and, control our own destiny. We are the custodians of that value set and make sure it doesn’t get toppled in a very competitive floor covering world.” 

As Campbell readies to pass the baton to the fifth generation of family leadership, he points to that delicate balance of family values and an industry that becomes more competitive by the day. 

Campbell said that as he matured in his position at Mannington, he looked at other family-owned successful businesses for guidance. “Family members should get outside experience from the company and they should have the right kind of education — so as you turn around and hire people that are college graduates and some with advanced degrees, family members should be an example of that so the rule I put in place is that we will not hire family members under the age of 30, and they must have an advanced degree,” he said.

Zack Zehner, Ian Campbell and Johnny Campbell (Keith’s son) are the next generation of leadership, and Campbell speaks with pride about not only each of their backgrounds but their current contributions and capabilities helping to guide Mannington into the future. Ian Campbell has an MBA and works in the Calhoun, Ga. location in strategic development. Johnny Campbell has an MBA and his specialty is information systems. 

Zehner is in line to succeed Campbell as chairman when the time comes. “Zack is a lawyer. It gave him excellent analytical skills with which to work,” Campbell said. “His current leadership is in engagement.”

Zehner has had direct responsibility in a multitude of areas on both the residential side and commercial side, and now for distribution. As well, he has gone to executive finance training at Warton. “This is the type of thing that has developed future executives with the company — we want them to be a five-tool player. They need to understand design, sales, marketing, manufacturing, HR, finance. It’s developing a five-tool individual — not to be an expert but to have deep knowledge.” As leadership representing the family, Zehner is also involved in the community. Among other things, he works with Stand up for Salem, an organization helping to revitalize the economic area of the county.

“All of this have helped developed him into a very well tooled and excellent person. If I went tomorrow, [the company] wouldn’t miss a beat,” noted Campbell. “I’ve done my job. I’m proud in the same way Ian and Johnny are gaining that experience as well.”

“Zack (Zehner) has been very adaptive in whatever assignment we’ve given him, quickly contributed and learned greatly from that assignment and also is an articulate voice for the family and company.” – Keith Campbell

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