
Embrace current growth & prepare for the future

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

ITR Economics at CCA’s Ahead of the Future summer convention
[Denver] Demand is high, and the growth retailers are seeing will continue, Connor Lokar, economist at ITR Economics, shared with attendees here at CCA’s Ahead of the Future summer convention. But while it’s important to leverage this growth, Lokar said it’s equally as important to prepare for dips in the economy and a severe recession ITR is targeting for the 2030s. 

“In the short term, you should be excited — growth will continue,” Lokar said, adding however, “Next year demand will normalize.” Housing too is “red hot” and commercial will get better over the next two to three years, he anticipates. 

“The housing market is crazy right now — growth has been obscene,” said Lokar. “Remodel and new build growth will continue throughout 2021 — permits are up 46.6 percent this year. COVID unleashed suburban single family market demand. Flooring shipments will follow the residential market.”

Moving forward, he added, “As the economy and consumption normalizes, the wind in your sails will lessen as consumers begin to spend money on other things like travel.” But, he said, “The keyword is still growth but slowing growth. The crazy growth we’re seeing right now is not sustainable.” For instance, the remodel and DIY side of the economy is already seeing a slowdown.

Challenges Continue

Although growth is strong there are supply chain problems which pose obstacles.

“The first half of this year saw in prices how expensive lumber is but that’s changed. Lumber futures have come down 70 percent since they peaked in May and lumber is likely showing an early signal of the re-balance to come,” Lokar reported. 

There have been improvements on the supply side. “It doesn’t seem like it in relation to demand,” he explained. “ITR anticipates a deceleration of demand with lead times slowing down. This trend will shift in 2022.”

Rising unemployment too will continue and bring its own set of challenges. “What you can do is spend more to get more labor and leverage your existing labor base. Invest in your people,” he advised.

And while demand will weaken, he said, the permit trend will remain strong through 3Q 2021. “Mortgage rates have been remarkable and accommodating the housing market over the past year,” said Lokar, adding that it’s also important to keep in mind there will be a perpetual state of a “COVID variant of the month”. 

He explained, “Nervousness has gone up — not so much about the variants but about government regulations we’re seeing in response to the variants.”

What’s more, he explained, ITR has long standing theory that U.S. faces a severe depression in 2030. “We packed on five years of debt in 15 months, and this was our view even without COVID. Taxes will go up in the future — 10 years from now, taxes will be significantly higher than they are now,” said Lokar. “We think the 2020s will be successful and will keep this train on its track for the next eight to 10 years. We do think in 2025-2026 there is potential for a recession and part of this is demographically directed with the Boomer generation moving out of the workforce and reducing spending.”

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