Commercial takes center stage

Monday, June 13, 2016

NeoCon has transformed over the last six or so years. My first trip to the show was exciting but I was told over and over again how things “used to be” — its glory days, people said, were long over. And, even though some commercial sectors remained strong during the downturn, the show had lost some of its luster.

Then a couple of years ago, we started seeing more dramatic design and innovation being created and shown here. And we started to see other events pop up — breakfasts and other celebrations.

Just last month, Byron Morton at the Merchandise Mart had a lot of exciting things to tell me about this year’s show. From a significant investment in renovations made by the Mart to showroom upgrades and new activities taking place around the show, and strong visitor registration early on, Morton told FCW that this year will beat pre-recession levels. NeoCon 2016 has the makings of a much different experience than I first encountered some years ago.

This issue of FCW reflects that market change as well as our deep commitment to all things flooring. We’ve added this commercial market-exclusive issue to our lineup to better tell the full story because, like all of our issues, it is comprehensive. Here, we dive into topics like how to build your contract flooring business and the nuts and bolts of some pretty major installations in banks, airports and civic centers, for example, as well as a look at the inspiration behind the new designs you will see here in Chicago.

This dedicated issue also gives us the opportunity to shine a light on the people, like Shaw’s Reesie Duncan, that not only bring great design to market but help transform it as well. Geoff Gordon of Fuse offers insight into the ever-changing commercial flooring contract business — pointing out things like training, technology and online strategies.

And NeoCon is a great place to identify key design elements and trends that will permeate the larger flooring market because many of them start here — look for a wrap-up of the latest and greatest in the June 27 issue of FCW.

This venue also provides the opportunity to look at other products and what is happening in form and function — there are textiles, furniture and more. It’s really the heart of the commercial market because it’s here that you will see the results of the changing work environment as well as new dynamics in the hospitality and healthcare spaces.

I for one am looking forward to all that this show has to offer…and maybe a little deep dish too. When in Chicago!

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Starnet Fall Meeting
October 25 - October 27, 2024
Omni Nashville Hotel, Nashville, TN
NFA Fall Conference
October 26 - October 30, 2024
Washington, DC
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October 29 - October 31, 2024
Greenbuild Conference
November 12 - November 15, 2024
Washington, D.C. - Walter E. Washington Convention Center