
Campaign against imported Chinese hardwood plywood returns

Monday, December 12, 2016

[Washington] Despite back to back losses dealt by the International Trade Commission and a federal appeals court, The Coalition for Fair Trade of Hardwood Plywood (CFTHP) has filed another petition with the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) asserting that imports of hardwood plywood products from China are being sold into the United States at "dumped prices" below cost to gain an unfair competitive advantage.  A preliminary ITC hearing took place on Dec. 9.  

American Alliance for Hardwood Plywood chairman Greg Simon issued the following statement:

"These same six petitioners brought this case in 2012 and lost unanimously at the International Trade Commission (ITC). Then they appealed to federal court and lost again.  Now their solution is to use the same playbook and bring another case in the hopes of disrupting proven fair trade that is fostering the production of U.S.-made goods employing tens of thousands of U.S. workers. 

"The American Alliance for Hardwood Plywood remained strong and unified throughout this process and have re-engaged Mowry & Grimson as our counsel.  Our Alliance includes American companies who buy and sell Chinese and domestic plywood, U.S. kitchen cabinet makers who use plywood from both sources for different purposes and is open to other concerned businesses.  Our members are disappointed to see the return of this case, especially given the thousands of U.S. jobs that it puts at risk.  But we look forward to explaining to the ITC how Chinese hardwood plywood does not injure or threaten the domestic industry, consistent with the ITC's 2013 unanimous ruling in our favor."

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