Another page from my diary

Thursday, June 24, 2004


Dear Diary,

Did I ever tell you how much I enjoy NeoCon? There is always so much going on, so much electricity in the air. Most importantly, it offers a view of the contract market beyond a flooring perspective. Of course, elevator space remains as precious a commodity as suntan lotion at a nudist colony, but that's the price of admission.

Day one left suppliers a bit perplexed about some inconsistency in traffic. There was a reason. It seemed my plane, which landed around 9:15 a.m., was one of the last to touch down for more than an hour because of a rainstorm that hovered over the airports. Some people's planes were delayed in taking off and didn't arrive until late in the day. That lends credence to comments that the show was strong early and late but spotty from late morning to mid-afternoon.

(As an aside, here's a tip: Flying into Midway is painless when compared to O'Hare, and taking the subway, or whatever they call their transit system in Chicago, saves you a $40 cab ride.)

So what did I learn? Assuming everyone tells me the truth, and I have no reason to believe they wouldn't, the contract market has turned the corner. Everyone seems to be up in the first quarter, and they are even seeing corporate come back a little.

If you were wondering what surprised me most, dear diary, it would be a dearth of new product intros. Many manufacturers on the hard surface side were showcasing products introduced either sometime last year or at Surfaces. Those that did unveil new offerings did so on a limited scale.

One thing, though, hit me like a ton of bricks: Solutia's annual party at the Metropolitan Club on the 67th floor of the Sears Tower. As a lifelong New Yorker, walking into that lobby was eerily reminiscent of the World Trade Center, as was the high-speed elevator that launched us toward the stratosphere. Then, once inside the event, it was as if I was magnetically drawn toward the large windows. Staring out what seemed like a half-mile from the ground, all I could think about were the people who chose to jump to their deaths on 9/11. I kept thinking how bad it must have been inside to choose that fate. And then a few tears welled up inside my eyes.

You know, dear diary, it's so painful to remember but it would be much worse to forget.

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