
2023 State of Flooring Distribution

Thursday, November 9, 2023

By Kevin Gammonley, executive vice president, NAFCD


The state of flooring distribution in 2023 can be defined as more normalized than in the past several years with somewhat more dependable sources of supply, some stability in the workforce coupled with a general cooling-off of sales levels. Competition remains fierce requiring distributors to deploy extra effort and resources to win the sale. Similar to the last several years, distributors must continue to be adaptable and resilient as trends continue to shift and the economy softens. Flooring distribution is not for the faint of heart as margins are under pressure and the coming year remains unpredictable.

Economic contraction has begun and is expected throughout 2024. Flooring distributors have been adapting to the new realities throughout 2023 following the boon years. The party is subdued, but certainly not over as flexible and innovative distributors continue to find opportunity and take market share from firms that are not adapting quickly enough. Some see their future as part of larger entities and have been consolidated under larger parent companies with a more robust menu of resources. We are certain to see more distributors choosing this route in 2024.

With less disruption and chaos that has plagued the last several years, distributors have more time to focus on optimizing their supply chain operations. Operational efficiency and productivity allow a flooring distributor to carve out an edge that is much needed in today’s competitive landscape. In addition to putting discipline, best practices and policies in place, distributors must invest in technology to separate themselves from the crowd when it comes to their operations and we are seeing more of them do just this.

In 2023, distributors made progress in their deployment of a variety of technologies including those designed to make them easier to do business, those that enhance their customer’s experience and tools that allow them to make better decisions in managing their business. E-commerce platforms continued to evolve and offer customers new features and conveniences. Visualization technology has been fully adopted by flooring distributors and their retail partners. Data analytics advancements are providing distributors with real-time analysis of sales trends facilitating faster, better decision-making. Cloud-based computing adoption by distributors continues to increase as a means of securing increased security, resilience, scalability and business continuity. The increasing threat of cyberattacks is a significant concern for flooring distributors driving cloud adoption.

According to the recently released NAFCD Q3 Sales Trend Report based on a survey conducted of flooring distributors, the following ranked highest as the biggest challenges facing distributors in the second half of 2023:

  • Managing higher cost inventory in the face of falling prices.

  • Decreasing demand tied to lower consumer confidence.

  • Supplier disruptions; need to replace major suppliers.

  • Renewed import challenges; regulations slowing ports; unpredictable product delivery timelines.

Such challenges are not easy to navigate and are expected to follow many distributors into 2024. Additional factors likely to impact flooring distributors in the coming year are accelerating digitization, expanding competition and heightened customer expectations.

Traditional flooring distribution was characterized by cautious, geographic expansion into contiguous markets and extension of product offerings into complementary categories. But today’s flooring distributors must get accustomed to seeing the emergence of competitors leveraging completely new business models, an even more rapid adoption of new technologies such as artificial intelligence and major shifts in how customers want to interact and transact.

NAFCD’s official economists from ITR Economics regularly analyze trends impacting the leading economic indicators identified by NAFCD as being most relevant to flooring distributors. Unfortunately, the majority of these indicators are predicted to be down in 2024. In light of these factors, NAFCD’s economists are recommending that flooring distributors carefully balance their workforce in 2024 without making too drastic of reductions as they predict an upswing in 2025 which distributors will need to be properly staffed to take advantage. Talent recruitment will remain tight into 2025 and thus, flooring distributors need to take this into consideration as they move into next year.

Many flooring distributors have sales trends that align with the residential construction sector, particularly single-family home building. Despite affordability constraints and ongoing elevated interest rates, residential construction is expected to lead the recovery for the U.S. economy coming out of 2024 and thus, the forward-thinking flooring distributor is investing in their business now and evaluating their supply chain risks.

Flooring distributors have proven their value within the channel again and again. Leading distributors do not rest and are continually reinventing themselves to stay ahead of quickly changing trends and the emergence of new opportunities. Technology and data are essential but so is the need for deep industry relationships and creative partnerships. Best-in-class flooring distributors keep a close eye on emerging trends in areas outside their footprint and continually work on the industry relationships that will allow them to capitalize on future trends. This is why growth-oriented flooring distributors will be in Colorado Springs this fall at the 2023 NAFCD Annual Convention deepening relationships, establishing new contacts and looking for the next product or value-added service that will keep them one-step ahead of the competition.

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Starnet Fall Meeting
October 25 - October 27, 2024
Omni Nashville Hotel, Nashville, TN
NFA Fall Conference
October 26 - October 30, 2024
Washington, DC
NAFCD Annual Convention
October 29 - October 31, 2024
Greenbuild Conference
November 12 - November 15, 2024
Washington, D.C. - Walter E. Washington Convention Center